Physics in Javascript: Rigid Bodies -- Part 1 (Pendulum Clock)

So far, we’ve modeled everything in this series as particles. Particles are the simplest way to model something physically, because they only have a location in space and don't have a size or shape. Particles can only translate (move), and can’t rotate. This article is part of the

Machine Learning: Genetic Algorithms in Javascript Part 2

Today we're going to revisit the genetic algorithm. If you haven't read Genetic Algorithms Part 1 yet, I strongly recommend reading that now. This article will skip over the fundamental concepts covered in part 1 -- so if you're new to genetic algorithms you'll definitely want to start there. Just

Effective Teaching is a Long Con

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. Carl Sagan The above Carl Sagan quote is why most smart people are bad teachers. Smart, impassioned people know the whole story behind what they're teaching. Smart people like to think about the whole