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Burak Kanber

50 posts

SiteChat: a postmortem. Or, the rise and fall of a society.

About a year ago I built a Chrome extension called SiteChat -- the premise was simple: turn every website into a chatroom. The app was an instant success, and over the following year I watched entire societies emerge and die off inside the bizarre ecosystem that I had created. Genesis

Physics in Javascript: Rigid Bodies -- Part 1 (Pendulum Clock)

So far, we’ve modeled everything in this series as particles. Particles are the simplest way to model something physically, because they only have a location in space and don't have a size or shape. Particles can only translate (move), and can’t rotate. This article is part of the

Machine Learning: Genetic Algorithms in Javascript Part 2

Today we're going to revisit the genetic algorithm. If you haven't read Genetic Algorithms Part 1 yet, I strongly recommend reading that now. This article will skip over the fundamental concepts covered in part 1 -- so if you're new to genetic algorithms you'll definitely want to start there. Just