
SiteChat: a postmortem. Or, the rise and fall of a society.

About a year ago I built a Chrome extension called SiteChat -- the premise was simple: turn every website into a chatroom. The app was an instant success, and over the following year I watched entire societies emerge and die off inside the bizarre ecosystem that I had created. Genesis

Effective Teaching is a Long Con

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. Carl Sagan The above Carl Sagan quote is why most smart people are bad teachers. Smart, impassioned people know the whole story behind what they're teaching. Smart people like to think about the whole

Bash Scripting: Why didn't I start this earlier?

Learning bash scripting ended up turning what used to be a 30 minute manual server build process into a perfect lean, mean, server building machine. I'm a little embarrassed to admit this. I've been building software for fifteen years, and I'm only just now getting into bash scripting. I had