Burak Kanber's Picture

Burak Kanber

50 posts
How I taught myself electronics

How I taught myself electronics

I recently wrote the following to a mechanical engineering student who was wondering how to develop practical electrical engineering skills, specifically in terms of electronic component selection, circuit design, and consumer product polish. While the following is an N=1 anecdote I do believe that this approach can work for

Crafting Intuition with Language

Common wisdom says that teaching is one of the best ways to develop mastery of a topic. Why is this? It's the grapple - struggling to meet eye to eye with a student and molding your own understanding of the topic to their learning style. But still: why is this
Slacker, a Slack CLI

Slacker, a Slack CLI

When you just need to Slack from the command line: "Slacker" is a simple weekend project CLI interface to Slack. Slacker isn't a production-ready tool, but perhaps it will be one day. If you live in tmux or the command line like me, you might find this a